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July 4 2023 First Dance Dance Demonstration for Vieux Fort Students (Primary - Grade 2)

On July 4th 2023, The Vieux Fort Students (Primary to Grade 2) participated in their First Dance Demonstration at the Vieux Fort Primary School. We are so proud of our students. You may view the demonstration below.

Contributions to the Vieux Fort Primary School Location:

Mr. Emmanuel and Alicia Nelson of Cap Estate., St. Lucia who donated five (5) Extra Large wall mirrors. These mirrors are now installed at the Vieux Fort Primary School.

Glass Experts for their assistance with the Wall Mirror Installation at the Vieux Fort Primary School

True Value Hardware for providing the wall paint for the dance room in the Vieux Fort Primary School

Mr. Norville McFarlane and Mr. Wilbert Alcide for the installation of the two exercise barres, the large photos of past students, and the two school banners.

A special thank you to Mr. Francis Moonie, The Principal of Vieux Fort Primary School 

Mr. Dwayne Augustin, the Ministry of Education media and crew who kindly filmed our Demonstration.


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